
Built from 1563 by incorporating the previous Baglioni palace of the early ‘500, the Palazzo della Corgna “like the palace” was born as a villa of delights and pleasures of family Corgna, but subsequent historical events, which led to separation from fief of Castello della Pieve, today Città della Pieve, transformed it into the palace of the family residence in the capital of the Marquis. Still uncertain is the paternity of the project, debated between G. Alessi and Vignola.
The building of the Palace of Corgna is spread over an inverted L shape and includes two wings: one to the south, intended to be the home of the Marquis Ascanio, then Diomede, Ascanio and Fulvio Alexander II, the west to the occasional residence of Cardinal Fulvio. In the four floors that compose it, the ground floor housing the cellars, in the basement housing the kitchen and food storage rooms, two upper levels boardrooms and bedrooms.
The museum of the Palazzo della Corgna is situated on the first floor, where there are eight rooms with “affreschi”. Made between 1574 and 1590 by a team of painters led by Nicholas Circignani said the Pomarancio, the scenes represent the deeds of Ascanio and various mythological and historical themes
The selection of these subjects was definitely influenced by the circle of writers who gravitated around the family of Corgna. A good example is Cesare Caporali, court poet, who described and praised the beauty of the building surrounded by magnificent gardens in his poem “The gardens of Maecenas.”
Path Museum
Hall Of Paris
The museum of the Palazzo della Corgna starts from the entrance hall, called “Hall of Paris”. At the center of the ceiling, the work of the Pomarancio, is painted as the “Judgment of Paride” while on the octagons beside it’s painted Hercules killing the Hydra, Diana and Endymion, Perseus and Andromeda, Pyramus and Thisbe. The “affreschi” celebrate the marriage between Diomede Corgna, nephew and adopted son of Ascanio, with Portia Colonna. The four stamps at the corners show the relationship with the Colonna, on the left the stamp of Cardinal Fulvio Corgna, brother of Ascanio, mixed with that of Ciocchi del Monte, the house of Pope Julius III and Giacoma, mother of Ascanio and Fulvio, and stamp of Diomede Corgna. To the right is the corgnesco stamp starting with the Colonna stamp, indicating the prestigious marriage, and the stamp of Cardinal Marcantonio Colonna
Hll Of Deeds Of Ascanio

The “Hall of deeds of Ascanio” celebrates the founder of the dynasty whose policies and military are represented along the walls in sixteen fake tapestries. Among the most memorable scenes of this hall of the Palazzo della Corgna we remember the siege of Genova where Ascanio, young soldier, is particularly distinguished for the courage shown; the duel with John Taddei held in Pitigliano, remained in the history of the famous “jab” inflicted on the rival; the encounter with the King of Spain, Philip II and the Battle of Lepanto, the last great enterprise of Ascanio. Also it’s celebrated when Ascanio received by Julius III the stick of “Keeper of the Church”. The decoration of the floor, with the stamps of Corgna and Colonna, celebrating the prestigious marriage of Diomede and Portia.
Room Phaeton

The “Hall of Phaeton” in Palazzo della Corgna is named to represent the time of the myth of Phaeton, son of Apollo, who was driver of the chariot of the Sun, who caused disasters and was then electrocuted by Jupiter, he then fell into the river Eridanus, today River Po. On the sides of the figures of the sunrise, noon, the Sunset and Night, while the ovals at the corners, include Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. The images painted in his bedroom warn the Marquis Diomede, not to take business beyond its possibilities and to follow the natural rhythms of life.
Room of the Aeneid

The “Room of the Aeneid” is decorated with scenes, faithfully following the text of Virgil’s Aeneid, illustrating the myth of Aeneas, the legendary hero who, fleeing from Troy destroyed by the Greeks, arrived in Lazio where his descendants merge the city of Rome. Beyond that it is also celebrated the work of Diomede in his government of the Marquis, allude to the figures of Hercules, Ceres, Vulcan and Venus Earth. Author of the “affrschi” is Niccolò Circignani with two interventions of G.A.Pandolfi, reflecting the importance that covered the Palazzo della Corgna
Room of the Gods

The “Hall of the Gods” is dominated by the figure of Jupiter, who chairs the skylight, around which are the gods of Olympus and the twelve zodiac signs. Some figures were restored in the ’30s by P. Cellini.
Room of the Battle of Trasimeno

The “Room of the Battle of Trasimeno”, chamber Ascanio II, located inside the Palazzo della Corgna features scene from the battle of the Trasimeno painted in the center of the room. Around it four episodes of the war: the army on the march, the landing of the fleet, a battle scene and the clemency of the general. The famous battle between the troops of Hannibal and the Roman army led by consul Gaius Flaminio, took place near the present Tuoro sul Trasimeno, in 217 BC. Taken by surprise the Roman army was overwhelmed and 15,000 soldiers were killed.
Hall of Pluto and Proserpina

The “Hall of Pluto and Proserpina”, room of Laura of Corgna, sister of Ascanio, is decorated by scenes related to the myth of Proserpina: the abduction by Pluto, king of the underworld; Ceres seeking her daughter; the nymph Ciane refers to Ceres the kidnapping; Ceres descends to the Underworld to Pluto; Jupiter states that Persephone spends six months a year and six months in Hades on Earth .In figure of Ceres, goddess of fertility, celebrating Laura who, having given birth to Diomede, adopted son of Ascanio, allowed the continuity of the family.
Hall of Caesar

The “Hall of Caesar” in Palazzo della Corgna is so called for the representation of the life of Caesar decorating, following the text of Suetonius, the study of Diomede. The representations, by S. Savini between 1589 and 1590, illustrating the life of Caesar, his audacity and his qualities as a great leader. Among the most important events we remember the wars against the Gauls, the Germans and British, the crossing of the Rubicon, and the battle of Pharsalia, which marked the beginning of his power in Rome. In the episode of the refusal of the crown of the king, it shows his diplomatic skills, while the killing of Caesar concludes the cycle of “affreschi”. On the vault, supported by two winged cherubs, it is the emblem of Corgna while on the eastern wall a door gives access to the covered walkway that connects the palace to the medieval fortress.
Room World Dows - Hall Of Arts - Hall Of Metamorphosis